Supporting Literacy
This Autism at-a-Glance was designed to support parents and other family members in supporting adolescents on the autism spectrum as they develop their literacy at home and in the community.
Articles and Conference Presentations
Presentation at CEC Tampa 2018
Presentation on teams that implement comprehensive interventions to high school students with ASD given at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research.
An oral presentation at the Texas Autism Research & Resource Center (TARRC) Conference in San Antonio, TX.

This presentation offers an overview of the CSESA Program
CSESA OCALI 2013 CSESA Overview.pdf

An article from Educational Leadership
Designing and Examining the Effects of a Reading Comprehension Intervention for Adolescents With ASD
A poster presentation at the CEC 2014 conference about Collaborative Strategic Reading - High School.
Efficacy of a school-based comprehensive intervention program for adolescents with autism
Poster presented at the IES Annual Principal Investigators Meeting 2019.
An oral presentation at the Texas Autism Research & Resource Center (TARRC) conference.

A poster presentation from the ABAI conference in Louisville, KY.

An oral presentation from the CEC 2018 conference in Tampa, FL.
CEC CSESA Presentation 2017 AAL CSR.pdf

A presentation on evidence-based literacy curriculum given at CEC 2017.
Brum 2017 CEC AAL CSR Prez.pdf

An article in the journal Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders describing the use of Collaborative Strategic Reading to improve the reading comprehension of high school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
An oral presentation in the strand, Educational Strategies and Interventions for High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, from the CEC 2015 conference in San Diego, CA.

Quality of secondary school programs for students with autism spectrum disorder in the United States
Quality of secondary school programs for students with autism spectrum disorder in the United States
An article about supporting reading comprehension for high school students with autism
Article published in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders about reading comprehension treatment for high school students with ASD.
Stability of literacy profiles of adolescents with ASD and associations with stakeholder perceptions of appropriate high school support needs
Poster presented at CEC in Portland, OR 2020.
CEC Literacy Poster 2020_final.pdf

Poster presentation at INSAR Montreal 2019.
Hall 2019 INSAR IEP Quality Poster.pdf

Presentation given at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual International Conference Brighton, England 2018
Brum 2018 CSR-HS SSSR Prez.pdf