Understanding Autism
A brief summary of an article about interventions to address the academic skills of high school students on the autism spectrum

This summary shares five recommendations collected from focus groups that met during the early phases of the CSESA project. Focus group participants include the perspectives of practitioners, parents, and other key stakeholders.

A brief summary of an article about roles, needs, and supports for families of high school students on the autism spectrum

Handouts, Training Materials
A great resource for all high school staff. This guide, with links to professional development videos, provides specific research-based suggestions for working with students with ASD at the high school level.
A great resource for all high school staff. This guide, with links to professional development videos, provides specific research-based suggestions for working with students with ASD at the high school level.
Training Materials
This presentation is part of a professional development series created specifically for educators in middle and high schools serving students on the autism spectrum
Articles and Conference Presentations
A manuscript in a special issue of Remedial and Special Education (Autism, Adolescence, and High School) about academic instruction for high school students with ASD.
Link: Article on RASE website
An article in the journal Exceptional Children describing the outcomes of 28 focus groups CSESA conducted during the development phase of the CSESA study.
An article from Educational Leadership
A poster presentation from the ASHA 2016 conference in Philadelphia, PA.
ASHA_2016_Social Profiles.pdf

Presentation at Gatlinburg Conference San Diego 2018.
Article published in Autism about growth trajectories of adaptive skills for adolescents with ASD.
Presentation given at CEC in Portland, OR 2020
CEC 2020 In their own words_FINAL.pdf

A manuscript in a special issue of Remedial and Special Education (Autism, Adolescence, and High School) about the roles and needs of families of high school students with ASD.
Link: Article on RASE website