Supporting Communication and Social Skills
This Autism at-a-Glance was designed to provide information to practitioners and family members about female adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum.
AAG-Autism in Females.pdf

A brief summary of an article about addressing social competence and peer relationships in high school students on the autism spectrum

Articles and Conference Presentations
Presentation at CEC Tampa 2018
This presentation provides an analysis of focus group results and how that informed the adaptation of peer network interventions, as well as an overview of peer network interventions and results from early pilot studies with high school students with ASD.
Presentation on teams that implement comprehensive interventions to high school students with ASD given at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research.
An oral presentation from the ASHA 2014 conference in Orlando, FL
Article published in Autism: The International Journal or Research & Practice about social interventions for youth with ASD.
Poster presentation at IMFAR San Francisco 2017
An article from Educational Leadership
An article in the journal Research & Practice For Persons With Severe Disabilities reporting the effects of a peer network intervention on the social interactions of high school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Efficacy of a school-based comprehensive intervention program for adolescents with autism
Article published in Exceptional Children about peer network intervention and social engagement for adolescents with ASD.
Article published in Remedial and Special Education about efficacy of social interventions for students with ASD in inclusive classrooms.
Poster presented at the IES Annual Principal Investigators Meeting 2019.
Article in School Psychology Review about peer-mediated social interventions for high schoolers with ASD.
Poster presentation on the use of social media by teens with ASD given at IMFAR.
A presentation at CEC 2014 about the peer and social component of CSESA
This presentation provides an overview of social competence interventions for high school students with autism, and offers practical tips for educators and other professionals working with high school students with autism.
An oral presentation in the strand, Educational Strategies and Interventions for High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, from the CEC 2015 conference in San Diego, CA.
This is the Introduction to the Special Issue of School Psychology Review about peer interventions for students with ASD.
Poster presentation at ASHA 2022
Post-high school social experiences and perceptions among autistic young adults.
CEC_2023_CSESA Social outcomes.pdf

A manuscript in a special issue of Remedial and Special Education (Autism, Adolescence, and High School) about supporting social competence and peer relationships in high school students with ASD.
Link: Article on RASE website
Quality of secondary school programs for students with autism spectrum disorder in the United States
Quality of secondary school programs for students with autism spectrum disorder in the United States
Sex differences in social participation of high school students with autism spectrum disorder
Presentation at Gatlinburg Conference San Diego 2018
An oral presentation from the Gatlinburg 2018 conference in San Diego, CA.
Poster presentation at IMFAR San Francisco 2017.
Presentation at ASHA Los Angeles 2017.
Presentation at CEC Indianapolis 2019.
Article published in Autism about supportive technology use for teens with ASD.
An oral presentation from the CEC 2016 conference in St. Louis, MO.
CEC_2016_Student Technology Use.pdf

A poster presentation from the IMFAR 2016 conference in Baltimore, MD.
IMFAR_2016_Student Tech.pdf

Presentation given at CEC Annual Conference in Portland, OR.
CEC 2020 Card Sort Demonstration .pdf

An oral presentation from the CEC 2018 conference in Tampa, FL.
CEC 2018_Clubs_Final.pdf

Presentation at CEC Tampa 2018.
McDaniel 2018 CEC Clubs_Final.pdf

Poster presentation at INSAR Montreal 2019.
Hall 2019 INSAR IEP Quality Poster.pdf