Supporting the Transition to Adulthood
A brief summary of an article about interventions to address the academic skills of high school students on the autism spectrum

This summary shares five recommendations collected from focus groups that met during the early phases of the CSESA project. Focus group participants include the perspectives of practitioners, parents, and other key stakeholders.

At a special session of the 2014 Autism Society of America annual conference, CSESA gathered important input regarding the needs of high school students with ASD.
CSESA ASA Taking Action.pdf

This is a brief summary of research article describing how to use implementation science with a comprehensive program for high school students on the autism spectrum.

This Autism at-a-Glance was designed to provide information to practitioners and family members about female adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum.
AAG-Autism in Females.pdf

This Autism at-a-Glance was designed to support parents and other family members in supporting adolescents on the autism spectrum as they learn to drive and eventually take a driver’s test for their license.
Getting a Driver License.pdf

This Autism at-a-Glance was designed to support high school staff and family members in promoting independence in daily living skills for adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum.
Supporting Daily Living Skills.pdf

This is a summary of the CSESA Framework for Selecting Technology.
The Secondary School Success Checklist (SSSC) is an evaluation of student skills in independence and behavior, transition, social competence, and academic skills completed by staff, families, and students.
SSSC__Parent_Final.pdf, Download:
SSSC__Staff_FINAL.pdf, Download:
SSS-C_STUDENT.pdf, Download:
SSSC__PARENT_fillable.pdf, Download:
SSSC__STAFF_fillable.pdf, Download:

A brief summary of an article about roles, needs, and supports for families of high school students on the autism spectrum

Articles and Conference Presentations
An oral presentation from the CEC 2018 conference in Tampa, FL.
CEC 2018 CSESA Efficacy and Followup.pdf

A presentation from the CEC 2014 conference in Philadelphia
CEC 2014 CSESA Model.pdf

Presentation at CEC Tampa 2018
This presentation provides an overview of the CSESA Program as well as descriptions of some of the specific components of the CSESA Program.
CSESA DCDT 2013 CSESA Overview.pdf

An oral presentation at the Wisconsin Transition Conference in Wisconsin Dells, WI.
A manuscript in a special issue of Remedial and Special Education (Autism, Adolescence, and High School) about academic instruction for high school students with ASD.
Link: Article on RASE website
An article in the journal Exceptional Children describing the outcomes of 28 focus groups CSESA conducted during the development phase of the CSESA study.
Poster presentation at INSAR Montreal 2019.
An oral presentation from the Gatlinburg 2018 conference in San Diego, CA.
Presentation on teams that implement comprehensive interventions to high school students with ASD given at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research.
A poster presentation at The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH) conference in Chicago, IL
A poster presentation from CEC 2014 about an education and support program for families of high school students with disabilities.
A manuscript in a special issue of Remedial and Special Education (Autism, Adolescence, and High School) about implementation science in relation to programs for high school students with ASD.
Link: Article on RASE website
Poster presentation at INSAR Montreal 2019
A discussion of lessons learned during CSESA’s first year of intervention development. A poster presentation from the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) conference in 2013.
CSESA AAIDD 2013.pdf

A rationale for the CSESA project and overview of the first year of the study. A powerpoint presentation from the Council on Exceptional Children (CEC) conference in 2013.
CSESA CEC 2013.pdf

A summary of the CSESA-related presentations at the CEC 2017 convention
Link: CEC 2017 Convention
CEC 2017 CSESA sessions.pdf

A summary of the CSESA-related presentations at IMFAR 2017
Link: IMFAR Conference
CSESA Presentations at IMFAR 2017.pdf

This presentation offers an overview of the CSESA Program
CSESA OCALI 2013 CSESA Overview.pdf

An article from Educational Leadership
An overview of the CSESA project and results from focus groups. A presentation from the Autism Society of America (ASA) Conference in 2013
CSESA ASA 2013 Focus Groups.pdf

An oral presentation from the APA 2015 conference in Toronto, Canada.
APA Talk_short version ppt.pdf

Efficacy of a school-based comprehensive intervention program for adolescents with autism
A brief summary of an article about preparing high school students on the autism spectrum for life after high school

A manuscript in a special issue of Remedial and Special Education (Autism, Adolescence, and High School) about effective transition for high school students with ASD.
Link: Article on RASE website
An oral presentation from the Gatlinburg 2018 conference in San Diego, CA.
Poster presented at the IES Annual Principal Investigators Meeting 2019.
A poster presentation from the IMFAR 2015 conference in Salt Lake City, UT.

An article in the magazine Teaching Exceptional Children about developing effective transition plans for high school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Presentation at ABAI San Diego 2018.
Hall 2018 ABAI SAN DIEGO GAS Prez.pdf

Poster presentation at Gatlinburg Conference 2019.
Implementation of a multi-family autism transition program in the high school setting
CSESA has reached out to families and educators to open up a dialogue about the needs of students with ASD in high school. The findings from our activities were presented. A poster presentation from the Global Implementation Conference (GIC) in 2013.
CSESA GIC 2013.pdf

Presentation given at CEC in Portland, OR 2020
CEC 2020 In their own words_FINAL.pdf

The introduction to the special issues of Remedial and Special Education on the theme of Autism, Adolescence, and High School.
Life After High School: The Experiences of Young Adults with Autism
CEC2022_Life After High School.pdf

Article published in Autism about assessment for transition planning for adolescents with ASD.
Poster presentation at IMFAR San Francisco 2017.
Hume 2017 IMFAR SSSC Poster.pdf

A poster presentation from the DCDT 2016 conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Presentation at CEC Tampa 2018.
Presentation at the annual Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Cedar Rapids 2018.
Presentation given at CEC in Portland, OR 2020
Poster presentation at ASHA 2022
Post-high school social experiences and perceptions among autistic young adults.
CEC_2023_CSESA Social outcomes.pdf

An oral presentation from the CEC 2018 conference in Tampa, FL.
Presentation at Gatlinburg Conference San Diego 2018.
An oral presentation at the Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) 2014 conference in Cleveland, OH
A poster presentation from the 49th Annual Gatlinburg Conference in San Diego, CA.

Quality of secondary school programs for students with autism spectrum disorder in the United States
Quality of secondary school programs for students with autism spectrum disorder in the United States
Quality of the transition component of the IEP for high school students with autism
CSESA reaches out to young adults on the spectrum and families to get their input into the project.
CSESA ASA 2013 Preconference.pdf

An oral presentation from the CEC 2016 conference in St. Louis, MO.
CEC 2016 Fidelity .pdf

Presentation at Gatlinburg Conference San Diego 2018
An oral presentation from the Gatlinburg 2018 conference in San Diego, CA.
Student, educator, and parent perspectives of self-determination in high school students with autism spectrum disorder.
Poster Presentation at INSAR Montreal 2019.
This poster reports findings from 28 focus groups with stakeholders across 5 CSESA sites regarding the support needs of students with ASD served in the general education classroom.
CEC Sustainability 2018 poster .pdf

Presentation given at CEC Annual Conference in Portland, OR.
CEC 2020 Card Sort Demonstration .pdf

An oral presentation from the CEC 2018 conference in Tampa, FL.
CEC 2018_Clubs_Final.pdf

Poster presentation at INSAR Montreal 2019.
Hall 2019 INSAR IEP Quality Poster.pdf

Article published in Remedial and Special Education about families' supports and needs during transition for adolescents with ASD.
A manuscript in a special issue of Remedial and Special Education (Autism, Adolescence, and High School) about the roles and needs of families of high school students with ASD.
Link: Article on RASE website
An oral presentation from the IMFAR 2016 conference in Baltimore, MD.

An oral presentation from the DCDT 2016 conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Presentation at CEC Tampa 2018
A poster presentation from the 49th Annual Gatlinburg Conference in San Diego, CA.

An oral presentation from the DCDT 2015 conference in Portland, OR.
An oral presentation at the Division on Career Development & Transition (DCDT) conference in Portland, OR.
Presentation at CEC Boston 2017.
CEC 2017 TT.pdf

A poster presentation at the Waisman Center 40th Anniversary Scientific Symposium in Madison, WI.
An overview of the Center on Secondary Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Link: What is CSESA?
An oral presentation from the DCDT 2015 conference in Portland, OR.
“Being happy is my dream”: Postsecondary aspirations of autistic youth