The Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CSESA) has created a number of resources to support individuals on the autism spectrum, their families, educators, and other community members working with high school students on the autism spectrum. Use and share widely!

Understanding Autism Series
A professional development series designed to provide middle and high school personnel with knowledge and evidence-based strategies to support their students on the autism spectrum including presentations, video clips, activities, and facilitator notes

Autism at-a-Glance Series
A series of current practioner and family friendly summaries addressing important issues related to adolescents on the autism spectrum and their experiences at school and in the community

Peer-to-Peer Series
These resources are designed by young adults for young adults on topics important to individuals on the autism spectrum. They include flyers, handouts, and more.

High School Case Studies
Case studies about specific evidence-based practices used with high schoolers on the autism spectrum including interactive presentations and handouts

Research Snapshots
Brief, easy-to-read summaries of articles published by the CSESA team in academic and professional journals

eNews Archives
CSESA eNews distributed several times a year regarding project updates and staff highlights