CSESA: A Timeline

August 2016
CSESA participant

CSESA staff partners with schools in the final year of the randomized control study and follows adolescents who have left high school

Image of high school graduate and teacher

The randomized control trial is complete, and the data analysis process is underway. The CSESA team is awarded a Follow-Up grant to learn more about life post high school for students involved in the CSESA study.

Image of young adult and instructor working in a mechanic shop

The Follow-Up study is complete and the data analysis process is underway.

Image of journal cover for Exceptional Children

The main findings from the randomized control trial are published in Exceptional Children and the work is nominated in the top 7 scientific advances in Intervention Research in 2022 by the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee Summary of Advances in ASD Research


The CSESA website is archived, all content will remain accessible. 

August 2015
Group around table

The RCT continues with the addition of 30 schools in our second cohort, serving a total of 60 schools in California, Wisconsin, and North Carolina

June 2015
Annual meeting

CSESA research teams meet to review the first year of the RCT, celebrate success, and problem solve some of the challenges encountered along the way.

August 2014
Team meeting

CSESA launches a Randomized Control Study (RCT) with 30 schools in our first cohort.

Summer 2014
Stakeholders meeting

CSESA team meets internally and with stakeholders to finalize the comprehensive CSESA intervention program.

August 2013
Team meeting

Six CSESA research teams launch pilot studies of combined parts of CSESA intervention in high schools. Read more >

June 2013
Team photo

CSESA convenes an advisory board meeting with experts across a variety of fields to get input on the CSESA model and ensure that we addressing the needs of all stakeholders. Read more >

Spring 2013
Group meeting

CSESA staff across six sites run pilot studies for individual components of the CSESA intervention in high schools. Read more >

Fall 2012
Group meeting around table

CSESA runs focus groups with teens, families, and school staff to get stakeholder input on the proposed CSESA interventions. Read more >

October 2012
CSESA logo submission

CSESA solicited CSESA logo designs from high school students on the autism spectrum from around the country. Read more >

September 2012
CSESA team photo

CSESA project staff from 6 sites come together in Chapel Hill for initial planning meeting.

July 2012
CSESA logo

The Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSESA) launches.