Supporting Communication and Social Skills


This Autism at-a-Glance was designed to provide information to practitioners and family members about female adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum.
This issue of Autism at-a-Glance focuses on understanding and improving the communication skills of adolescents on the autism spectrum and specifically targets the needs of students who are able to communicate conversationally.
This Autism at-a-Glance was designed to support high school staff and family members in understanding and improving the communication skills of adolescents on the autism spectrum, specifically for students who have more significant communication needs.
Peer-to-Peer resources are designed to support adults with autism and are created by young adults for young adults. This Peer-to-Peer brochure is a guide for building inclusive classrooms with neurodivergent peers.
Peer-to-Peer resources are designed to support adults with autism and are created by young adults for young adults. This Peer-to-Peer brochure is a guide for understanding online etiquette.

Curriculum Materials

This is the form to use for making the individual student peer support plan.
Sample of a letter to parents regarding the Peer Network.
This is a fidelity checklist for facilitators who are running Peer Networks.
Form to use to schedule interactions between Peer Network members and the student.
This is a manual to provide guidelines for high school staff in order to implement Peer Networks, a CSESA component designed to support students with ASD in in developing peer relationships outside of the classroom.
This is a fidelity checklist for facilitators who are running the orientation meeting for Peer Networks.
This is the powerpoint for training the peers for the Peer Networks intervention.
Download: PDF icon PN training.pdf
This is the fidelity checklist for the Peer Supports facilitator
This is a manual to provide guidelines for high school staff in order to implement Peer Supports, a CSESA component designed to support students with ASD in general education classes.
This is the fidelity checklist for the Peer Support Orientation Meeting
This is a sample letter to inform parents of the Peer Support Networks.
A website with information about the Social Competence Intervention (SCI) programs and ordering information

Training Materials

This is a pamphlet that can be customized for your school to use to recruit peer network members.
This is a pdf file of the Peer Network training powerpoint for staff.
This is the powerpoint for the Peer Network training

Articles and Conference Presentations

This presentation provides an analysis of focus group results and how that informed the adaptation of peer network interventions, as well as an overview of peer network interventions and results from early pilot studies with high school students with ASD.
Presentation on teams that implement comprehensive interventions to high school students with ASD given at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research.
This presentation provides an overview of social competence interventions for high school students with autism, and offers practical tips for educators and other professionals working with high school students with autism.
An oral presentation in the strand, Educational Strategies and Interventions for High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, from the CEC 2015 conference in San Diego, CA.
Presentation at CEC 2017 on Peer Mediated Strategies to Increase Social Competence of Students with Autism.
Post-high school social experiences and perceptions among autistic young adults.
A manuscript in a special issue of Remedial and Special Education (Autism, Adolescence, and High School) about supporting social competence and peer relationships in high school students with ASD.
An oral presentation from the CEC 2016 conference in St. Louis, MO.